During my freshman year of college, as I was licking the cheese off my Dorito-decorated fingers, I realized I was letting myself go. After cleaning out a box of Ben & Jerry's for breakfast, something in my brain kicked in and I started running. Facebook Image Masking Ads Image of guy super excited about Facebook ad hacks One mile eventually turned into two, two into three. My new running habit boosted my energy and confidence, and I was seeing results! However, after graduating, I was still a little weight-wise. The 20 books I had packed in over four years filled with binging on Dominos and beer wouldn't kick ass, so I decided Image Masking to sign up for a half marathon. At the time, the idea of running 13.1 miles seemed almost impossible.
Today I completed eight half marathons and two full marathons, and I'm just getting started. Ads on Facebook This is me sitting on a duck Image Masking after finishing the Boston Marathon. What does this story have to do with paid search and advertising on Facebook? You've turned to paid search to grow your business. You've seen results you're happy with, but just like I failed to lose the 20 pounds until I took things further, you fail to convert a bunch of visitors who came before through research. You're probably also Image Masking ignoring a huge range of qualified leads. If you limit your business to advertising only on sponsored links, you're not even close to reaching your full potential. Why social media? One of the first things a child learns these days is to slide and unlock an iPhone. It's crazy watching my 14 month old nephew open various apps before he can even form complete sentences. Between Image Masking our phones, desktops and iPads, people are constantly connected, and according to BI Intelligence, Americans spend more time on social media than on any other Internet activity, including email !
But what about your audience ? Well, let's look at the numbers. Since August 2015: Facebook has 1.49 billion monthly active Image Masking users. Twitter has 316 million monthly active users. Google+ and Instagram each have 300 million monthly active users. LinkedIn has around 97 million monthly active users. Facebook is bigger than the biggest country in the world! Your audience is there, but with so Image Masking many users, how do you find them then? Using Facebook Ads strategically is a guaranteed way to show up to the right people when they're ready to buy.